Free PDF BookDiscipline that Restores Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in the Classroom

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Get Discipline that Restores Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in the Classroom

Get Discipline that Restores Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in the Classroom

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Get Discipline that Restores Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in the Classroom

No education library should be without Discipline That Restores: Strategies to Create Respect, Cooperation, and Responsibility in the Classroom, a monumental effort to articulate a reproducible step-by-step process to increase cooperation and mutual respect in schools by coauthors Ron and Roxanne Claassen. Discipline That Restores (DTR) uniquely blends theory, strategies, and best practices of Conflict Resolution Education, Peacemaking, and Restorative Justice and is illustrated with a multitude of case studies to form an effective discipline system. Understanding the core issues of getting students to cooperate has never been so clear and concise. DTR supports the positive behavior of all students and is especially effective with those students who are most resistant to authority by involving them in processes that empower them to be responsible and accountable. DTR transforms discipline into learning experiences that decrease stress, improve effectiveness, and build relationships. Discipline That Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... Discipline That Restores has 19 ratings and 5 reviews. ... Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation ... and Responsibility in the Classroom ... Discipline That Restores : Ron Claassen : 9781419699122 Discipline That Restores by Ron Claassen ... Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation ... and Responsibility in the Classroom ... Course Number: EDUC 915-N Classroom Discipline That ... ... EDUC 915 N Classroom Discipline that Restores ... Strategies To Create Respect Cooperation ... Strategies To Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in ... Discipline That Restores Program - Discipline That ... No education library should be without Discipline That Restores: Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility ... Discipline That Restores Classroom ... Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... Buy Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... Discipline that Restores: Strategies ... Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility ... Discipline That Restores ... That Restores is a step-by-step classroom restorative justice discipline system based on cooperation mutual respect and responsibility. ... Discipline That ... Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... ... Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation ... should be without Discipline That Restores: Strategies to Create ... and Responsibility in the Classroom ... Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... ... that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... be without Discipline That Restores: Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in the ... : Customer Reviews: Discipline that Restores ... ... for Discipline that Restores: Strategies to Create Respect ... Responsibility in the Classroom at ... Strategies to Create Respect Cooperation ... Course Number: EDUC 915 Classroom Discipline That Restores ... ... EDUC 915 Classroom Discipline that Restores ... Strategies To Create Respect Cooperation ... Strategies To Create Respect Cooperation and Responsibility in ...
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