Free Ebook Queering the Pitch The New Gay and Lesbian Musicology
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When the first edition of Queering the Pitch was published in early 1994, it was immediately hailed as a landmark and defining work in the new field of Gay Musicology. In light of the explosion of Gay Musicology since 1994, a new edition of Queering the Pitch is timely and needed. In this new work, the editors are including a landmark essay by Philip Brett on Gay Musicology, its history and scope. The essay itself has become a cause celebre, and this will be its first full appearance in print. Along with this new historical essay, the editors are contributing a new introduction that outlines the changes that have occurred over the last decade as Gay Musicology has grown. Gamelan Wikipdia Le gamelan est un ensemble instrumental traditionnel caractristique des musiques javanaise et sundanaise. Par extension on utilise galement le mot pour dsigner ... Homosexualit dans la chanson franaise Wikipdia Mode populaire par excellence la chanson permet la fois le divertissement et le dbat. Il n'est donc pas tonnant que la culture gay et lesbienne en ait fait un ... Franz Schubert - Wikipedia In early 1817 Schober introduced Schubert to Johann Michael Vogl a prominent baritone twenty years Schubert's senior. Vogl for whom Schubert went on to write a ...
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